Haven’t heard of MERLOT before?

Haven’t heard of MERLOT before? Now is the time to learn about its curated collection of free and open online materials and faculty development services used by international education community.
Dr. Cris Guenter, Chico State Graduate Coordinator and Professor of Education, will lead an exploration of MERLOT’s resources and suggest ways in which faculty can use its huge repository of free and open peer-reviewed materials. Dr. Guenter’s work with online instruction and MERLOT has been recognized at the national and international levels.
The link to the Blackboard Collaborate session is:
Faculty on the SSU campus are also welcome to view the webinar in the Faculty Center located on the first floor of the Schulz Library in Room 1112.
This session will be archived for future use.
For more information please contact Ann Steckel, SSU Director of Educational Design & Curricular Innovation, at 707-664-2240 or Steckel@sonoma.edu .