Proctored online exams in Blackboard through Proctorio

Proctoring for online exams has arrived at CSU, Chico but you need training before you can use it.  The online exam proctoring solution Proctorio has been selected as a campus supported opportunity to increase assurance around test security.  Training is required to have been completed before the tool will be allowed in your course.  This training will cover the essentials for a successful proctoring solution including: notifications, communications and sample language, student success materials and expectations, information and workflows for invoking the tool on our campus.

(90 mins, BYOD, Q&A and hands-on)

5/6/19 10:30am-12:00, SSC 410, or

5/9/19 2:00-3:30pm, SSC 410.

Additional 1-on-1 trainings can be scheduled during the spring and summer.

Sign up for either training through CSU Learn ( by searching for Proctorio in the Training Schedule.  For questions or to schedule a 1-on-1 please email or call Jim Aird (jaird(at), x-3209)