Bb Learn’s new bugs – Jan. 2017

Faculty, by now you have seen the new interface for Bb Learn and are preparing your courses for the spring semester 2017. If you have not yet noticed, there are a couple of bugs that you may not like. One is how you can “drag and drop” to reorder elements on a content page. It is not working as designed and we have complained loudly to Blackboard to fix it. Remedies are in progress and will be deployed as soon as ready. The Technology and Learning Program folks can help you now!

See image below or come in for a visit, the basement of Meriam Library, room 003.



Another bug is how the Gradebook does not fill the width of your computer screen. This is quite annoying. We are going to manipulate that setting so that it will fill the screen.

Please make note of any other bugs you see and let us know so that we can pass them on to the Blackboard developers. Call us at 898-6167 or email TLP at, and let us know.

We are very happy that this new version meets accessibility requirements better than before. Your students will appreciate that, too!