Bringing In Local and Global Guest Speakers through Wimba

Date: April 22
Time: 10 am
Place: Online – Sign-up Here

Technology in Wimba can be a convenient and inexpensive tool to bring in guest speakers to maximize student engagement and learning experience. One Chico instructor brought in two guest speakers whose lectures on Yugoslavia had added invaluable elements to the course. Both lectures could not have been arranged without the technology of Wimba Classroom.

Dr. Kate Tranchel, who is a professor at Chico State came in person. Dr. Tranchel had to teach another class the same time as the guest lecture. To solve the conflict, Dr. Tranchel brought in her students who watched the live broadcasting of the lecture through Wimba in a different room.

The second guest speaker was Mr. Savo Heleta who is the author of one of the required textbooks in the same course, Not My Turn to Die: Memoirs of a Broken Childhood in Bosnia. Through Wimba Classroom, Mr. Heleta gave a lecture to the students and answered their questions all the way from South Africa.

Many students indicated that the two lectures were among the most unforgettable moments during their whole college education. Students’ interest and involvement in the course had been greatly enhanced after talking with the book author.

Presenters include:
Dr. Chunyan Song, CSU, Chico
Ann Steckel, CSU, Chico
Laura Sederberg, CSU, Chico
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